Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Wards

We have not had a family picture taken in years and my husband surprised me with having family pictures taken for Valentine's Day. AWWWW....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update on the Ward family

We are starting to feel a little settled...Christina is starting soccer gymnastics and Rachel is starting dance and gymnastics. Their activities will help. It has been such an adventure moving to good ole' Albuquerque! I miss people in Bossier and at Plain Dealing and it amazes me the strength of some of those connections! We have started visiting a church here and it is going pretty well. I am asking God daily to show me if this is where He wants me. The girls are starting to get settled in at church as well, which is awesome! I wish that I could say that everyday is easy- but that would be a lie! It is very difficult to not be known for this extrovert, but at the same time, God is slowly bringing people across my path and I am grateful for that. I keep telling myself "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. He did not bring us here to feel lonely and isolated...at the same time I know that progress cannot always be painless!